4 Breastfeeding Challenges for Working Mothers to Keep Loving Smoothly - Kompas.id

2022-07-02 03:04:51 By : Ms. Lily Zeng

For a working mother, it's hard to leave a baby who is still breastfeeding.Not a few also consider this as a crime.In fact, working in the office or being at home is not an easy choice.Working mothers have their own reasons, ranging from meeting the family's economic needs to means of self-actualization.Whatever the reason, a working mother remains a perfect mother for her child.Basically, they still strive for the best for the little one.In terms of breastfeeding, for example, not a few working mothers are committed to exclusively giving breast milk (ASI) to their little ones.Please note, breastfeeding your little one can not only be given directly.Your little one can still consume breast milk through expressed breast milk (ASIP).This is what working mothers usually do.On the sidelines of her busy work, the mother can still pump (pumping) so that the breast milk stock of her little one is sufficient for their needs.However, carrying out this commitment is not without challenges.In fact, pumping breast milk in the midst of busy work in the office is not always easy.To find the solution, understand the four challenges of pumping breast milk commonly faced by working mothers.Jobs with high mobility or many meeting agendas in the office make mothers do not have time to pump breast milk.Therefore, rearrange your daily routine starting at home to when you are at the office.Then, enter and stick to a regular schedule for pumping breast milk.It is recommended that mothers pump breast milk every two to three hours while in the office.Before leaving for work, for example, breastfeed your baby directly from both breasts.Then, the mother can start pumping breast milk at 10:00 at the office.The next schedule is at 13.00 and 16.00.If the mother comes home later than 18.00, it is better to pump the breast milk again before the trip home.By having a regular pumping schedule, mothers can arrange a meeting schedule after or before the pumping schedule.However, if there is an impromptu meeting, you can pump ahead of schedule before starting the meeting.This is to keep the breasts from swelling even if the mother misses the pumping schedule.By complying with the pumping schedule, the mother hopes that milk production will be stable and able to meet the milk needs of her little one.However, sometimes breastfeeding mothers who work get a little pumping results so that the amount is less for the little one.Don't be discouraged because of this one challenge.Reduced milk production can be caused by various things.One of them is stress.As is well known, breastfeeding mothers are prone to experiencing stress due to various things, ranging from concerns about the lack of milk production, leaving children at home, to work.Launching the website of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), all stress automatically affects the production of the hormone oxytocin.If this hormone decreases, milk production can also decrease.To work around this, mothers must be able to manage stress well.Breastfeeding mothers can also consume foods or drinks that increase breast milk, such as milk, green vegetables, and nuts.In addition, mothers can also eat their favorite foods to improve mood.If necessary, mothers can also take breast milk supplements.However, it is best to discuss this with your doctor first.The next problem that is often experienced by nursing mothers who work is nipple confusion.Nipple confusion is a condition experienced by babies who fail to adjust from the habit of feeding with a pacifier to suckling through the nipple.This can happen because when the mother works, the baby drinks breast milk using a milk bottle or pacifier.The mechanism for breastfeeding that is different from the pacifier is what makes the baby confused when he returns to having to feed directly from the mother's breast.Quoting from webmd.com, there are two types of nipple confusion.The first is type A, which occurs in younger babies.They often have difficulty attaching to the mother's breast after giving a pacifier.Second, type B, which occurs in older infants.Spontaneously, they prefer bottle-feeding to mother's breasts.According to IDAI, nipple confusion can occur because the mechanism of breastfeeding directly from the mother's breast is different from the pacifier.When feeding directly from the mother's breast, the baby will open his mouth wide and stick his tongue out until the nipple goes deep into the mouth.Then, the baby's tongue will move in waves and express milk with all his might.Meanwhile, when using the pacifier, the baby does not need to open his mouth wide and does not need to put the pacifier deep into the mouth to drink.The solution, you can change the media for breastfeeding while working.Mothers can give breast milk with a cup or spoon.Although it seems troublesome, this helps your little one avoid nipple confusion.Cracked nipples due to breast pumpThe next challenge that is often experienced by breastfeeding mothers is sore nipples due to the breast pump.To pursue breastfeeding needs, not a few mothers then increase the frequency of pumping or do power pumping.This can cause the nipple to become blistered.Not to mention, if the mother pumps breast milk with the wrong tool.Moreover, if the material and suction power are uncomfortable when used.If the nipples are blistered, the burning and stinging sensation is unavoidable.To prevent sore nipples, mothers can choose a breast pump with the right size.One of the breast pump brands to choose from is Mutter Breast Pump.With the theme "Breastfeeding is Fun", the Mutter Breast Pump can be used as a device that accompanies the journey of breastfeeding so that mothers can have a pleasant breastfeeding experience.Founder and Commissioner of Mutter Indonesia, Dr. Cynthia Merliana Candra, said that breastfeeding is closely related to the hormone oxytocin, which is produced when a mother feels happy and relaxed."In order to achieve this goal, we put forward a commitment to continue to provide products that are comfortable to use and especially, do not cause pain," he said.The Mutter Breast Pump is available with various models that can facilitate the mother's activity of pumping breast milk.Mutter Gold, for example, is a wearable breast pump that has four special modes.Mothers can also freely do other work while pumping breast milk.Mutter Gold from Mutter Breast Pump makes it easier for mothers to pump breast milk. (Dok. Mutter Breast Pump)For mothers who are new to pumping breast milk, you can choose the Mutter Krystal Double Breast Pump.This type of breast pump can also help mothers who have flat nipples.With a smooth and quiet motor, this breast pump can help mothers to stimulate the let-down reflex.For mothers with high mobility, the Mutter New Pearl Double Breast Pump can be a loyal friend.The shape of the Mutter New Pearl Double Breath Pump is small with a large LED screen, allowing mothers to easily set the pumping mode.In addition, there is also a Mutter Topaz Integrated Breast Pump.With the new Ergo-Max mouthpiece, this breast pump is practical and light in hand.Even at home, mothers can accommodate breast milk as well as pump it while breastfeeding directly with the Mutter Silicone Breast Pump.That was the choice of a breast pump that working mothers can use.Choose a breast pump that suits your needs so that the four challenges above can be overcome.Want to know more about the advantages of the Mutter Breast Pump?Please visit the official Mutter Breast Pump website or follow Instagram @mutter.life.Kompas Daily is an Indonesian newspaper headquartered in Jakarta.Kompas is published by PT Kompas Media Nusantara which is part of the Kompas Gramedia (KG) business group, which was founded by PK Ojong (the late) and Jakob Oetama since June 28, 1965. Carrying the motto "Mandate of the People's Conscience", Kompas is known as a trusted source of information , accurate, and deep.